Pictacule is the hub for the photography of Paul S. Jenkins – writer, photographer and erstwhile podcaster based in the UK, recently retired from architectural work, and therefore free (in theory) to pursue his personal interests full-time. In addition to photography those interests include writing, both fiction and non-fiction, mild activism in support of scientific skepticism, freethought, secularism, and humanism – plus (now that he is retired) generally having a good time.
Paul is one of the organisers of Portsmouth Skeptics, and also regularly takes photographs for Winchester Skeptics (run by the Hampshire Skeptics Society).
His photographic interests range widely in scope if not in competence, embracing event-photography, urban landscape, street, experimental, nature, and anything else photographic that takes his fancy. Having started taking pictures with a Kodak Brownie 127 at age eight, and subsequently using 35mm film through college and beyond, he switched to digital in 2003. Nine years later he rediscovered film photography with a Canon T70 – a model he once tried out in a camera shop while at college in London, but at the time couldn't justify its purchase. Since 2012 his collection of used analogue cameras has grown alarmingly. Some of those cameras – and their results – will continue to be featured here on Pictacule.
Pictacule is also the home of the Coarse Camerawork blog, featuring Paul's random musings on matters photographic, as well as further information in support of the concurrently launched Coarse Camerawork YouTube channel.